गुरुवार, 21 फ़रवरी 2013

Citizen's Charter

Citizen's Charter

Our Vision:-
            India Post's products and service will be the customer's first choice. 
  • To sustain its position as the largest postal network in world touching the lives of every citizen in the country.
  • To provide the mail, parcel, money transfer, banking, insurance and retail services with speed and reliability.
  • To provide services to customers on value for money basis. 
  • To ensure that the employees are proud to be its main strength and serve its customers with a human touch.
  • To continue to deliver social security services and to enable last mile connectivity as a Government of India plateform.
Service Standards:-
Service/Transaction - Counter Service including SB deposit, 
----------------------------withdrawal and updation of passbook. 
Success Indicator-----Trnsaction time at counter (excluding
---------------------------waiting time in queue.    
Service Standard----- 5 Minutes
Service/Transaction- Counter service - opening and closing of
---------------------------SB account, issue and discharge of 
---------------------------Savings Certificates.  
Success Indicator----Transaction time at the counter 
---------------------------(excluding waiting time). 
Service Standards--   15 Minutes
Service/Transaction--Delivery of letters, Postcards, Inland
                                 letter cards and Speed Post articles.
Success Indicator-----(1) Local (Within Munispal City limits)
--------------------------------and betwwen Metro Cities (Delhi,
--------------------------------Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai,
--------------------------------Hyderabad and Banglore) . 
----------------------------(2) Rest of India  
Service Standard------(1) 2 days (2) 2-6 days
Service/Transaction--Delivery of Registered letters/ Insured, 
                                 EPP, Parcels, Book Packets, Registered
                                 Newspapers etc.
Success Indicator-----(1) Local (Within Munispal City limits)
                                      and betwwen Metro Cities(Delhi,
                                      Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai,
                                      Hyderabad and Banglore).
                                 (2) Rest of India     
Service Standard----- (1) 3 days  (2) 5-7 days
Service/Transaction---Delivery of International EMS
Success Indicator------Exclussive of time taken in custom
Service Standard------4-10 days 
Service/Transaction---iMO payment on same day 
----------------------------(Service available at specified offices)  
Success Indicator----- (1) Booking 
----------------------------(2) Payment on production of code
--------------------------------and ID
Service Standard-------(1) 15 Miutes   (2) 20 Minutes
Service/Transaction----Money Orders
Success Indicator-------(1) Local (Within Munispal City limits)
----------------------------------and betwwen Metro Cities (Delhi,
----------------------------------Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai,
----------------------------------Hyderabad and Banglore) . 
                                    (2) Rest of India 
Service Standard--------(1) 3 days   (2) 4-6 days 
Service/Transaction-----Trasfer of SB Account
Success Indicator------- Time taken for opening of accunt at
                                     the Post Office where transfer is 
-------------------------------(1) When request is for transfer of
                                           accounts within the same HO.
-------------------------------(2) When request is for transfer of
                                           accounts in post office which are
                                           under different HO
-------------------------------(3) When request is made for transfer
                                           at the transferee post office.
 Service Standard---------(1) 1 day (2) 7 days (3) 20 days 
Service/Transaction-------Settlement of deceased claims,
--------------------------------issue of duplicate passbook and
--------------------------------interest posting (in office other 
--------------------------------than Head Office) 
Success Indicator---------Time taken for settlement starting
--------------------------------from the time of receipt of 
--------------------------------completed documents.
Service Standard----------7 days  
Service/Transaction------Discharge of Savings Certificate at 
------------------------------- Post Office other than the ofice of
------------------------------- purchase.
Success Indicator---------Time taken from the receipt of 
--------------------------------application for discharge of certificate
--------------------------------at the post office 
Service Standard----------30 days 
Service/Transaction------Transfer of certificate.
Success Indicator---------Time taken from the receipt of 
--------------------------------application for transfer at the post 
Service Standard----------30 days 
Service/Transaction------Issue of Duplicate Certificate
Success Indicator---------Time taken from the receipt of -----------------------------------------application alongwith required -----------------------------------------documents at the post office of issue ---------------------------------of the certificate. 
Service Standard----------30 days  
Service/Transaction------Issue of PLI/RPLI Acceptance Letters -------------------------------and Polivy Bond. 
Success Indicator---------Time taken from the receipt of -----------------------------------------complited documents. 
Service Standard----------15 days 
Service/Transaction------Settlement of claims ofPLI/RPLI -------------------------------------Policy. 
Success Indicator---------Time taken from the receipt of -----------------------------------------completed documents.
Service Standard----------30 days
Service/Transaction------Settlement of claims  on the death of --------------------------------PLI/RPIL policy holder
Success Indicator---------(1) With nomination 
-------------------------------(2)Without nomination(Time taken ---------------------------------------after production of required
--------------------------------(3) Involving investigation 
Service Standard----------(1) 30 days (2) 30 days (3) 90 days 
Service/Transaction-------Transfer of PLI/RPLI policy from -------------------------------------one Circle to another 
Success Indicator----------Time taken from settlement on 
---------------------------------receipt of request 
Service Standard-----------10 days
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service/Transaction-------Paid up policy
Success Indicator---------Time taken for settlement on receipt ----------------------------------of request. 
Service Standard----------30 days 
Service/Transaction------Revival and conversion of PLI/RPLI --------------------------------policy 
Success Indicator--------Time taken from receipt of request
Service Standard---------15 days 

Service/Transaction----- Settlement of request for loan against 
-------------------------------policies, change of address, change of --------------------------------nomination assignment ofpolicy and 
-------------------------------issue of duplicate policy bond.
Success Indicator--------Time taken for settlement on receipt 
-------------------------------of request. 
Service Standard---------10 days.
Service/Transaction------Branch Post Office
Success Indicator---------(1) Transactions for which such post 
------------------------------------office is authorised .
--------------------------------(2) Transactions which require
-------------------------------------approval of Account office -
-------------------------------------Normal time as fixed for
-------------------------------------Departmental Post Office. 
Service Standard-----------(1) 1 day (2) +7 days 

Success Indicator------------
Service Standard------------- 

Success Indicator------------
Service Standard------------- 

Success Indicator------------
Service Standard------------- 

Success Indicator------------
Service Standard------------- 

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