मंगलवार, 12 फ़रवरी 2013

PLI Declaration

(In Case of Sum Assured Exceeding Rs.5, 00,000/-)

I ……………………………………Designation-……………………… Office-…………………………...    declare that -

(a)              My age is not exceeding 50 years as on next birth day.

(b)              The minimum premium paying period of the last policy, which makes the sum assured as Rs.10, 00,000/- will be 10 years.

(c)              Aggregate outgo against payment of premium/ contribution of GP/CPF, Income Tax, installment of housing loan and other payment does not exceed 60% of my monthly income.

(d)              I have not surrendered any PLI policy in the past.

Signature of Immediate Superior                                      Signature of Proposer   

Seal and Date                                                                               Date-

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