मंगलवार, 12 फ़रवरी 2013

Children Education Allowance



            Certified that my Child/Children mentioned below In respect of whom children’s education allowances is claimed is/are wholly dependent upon me and I am compelled to send my chilled/children away from the place of my posting/residence due to non-availability of the School of the requisite standard at the station of my posting/residence or due to non-availability of a vacancy in such a school at the station of my posting/residence

Name of           Date of School College             The place          Class    Monthly                        Amount on
Chilled              birth      in which studying           where the          in          C E A               allowance
                                    Location there of           Government      which    admissible        claimed for
                                    and residence of           servant is          the is                            the period
                                    the child                        residence          child                             period June
                                                                                                studying                       to May
(1)                    (2)              (3)                             (4)                   (5)          (6)                     (7)



2.         Certified that my child/children respect of whom children’s education allowance is claimed is are studying in the School (s) mentioned in column (s) Which is/are recognized school (s) ( not applicable to School run by Central Govt/ Union Territory Administration /Municipal Corporation / Municipal Committee /Panchayat Samiti / Zila Parishad )

3.             Certified that:  -

(1)                 My wife/husband is / are not a Central Govt Servant.

(2)                 My wife/husband is a not Central Govt Servant and he/she will not claim children’s

(3)                 My wife/husband is employed with………………………………… she/he is not
Entitled to children’s education allowance in respect of our child/children.

4.             Certified that during the period covered by the claim the child/children attended the school regularly and did not absent himself/herself/them selves from the school withour proper leave for a period exceeding one month.

5.               Certified that the child/children has / have been not studying in the same class for more than two academic season.

6.             In the event of any change in the particulars above which effect my eligibility for children’s Education Allowance, I undertake to intimate the same promptly and also be refund payments, if any made.

                                                                                                                                (Signature of Govt. Servant)

Station;                                                                                                                  Designation ……………………………

Dated the……………………………….                                                         Office                 


            Certified that Shri…………………………………… S/O Shri……………………………

Studying in the ……………………………Class, Name of the school……………………………



1.         Date of birth……………………………

2.         Date of admission in the School……………………………………………………………

3.         Date of admission in the class………………………………………………………………

4.         The school recognized /Not recognized by  central / State Government of Private

                                                                                                            Signature of the
                                                                                                            Principal / Head Master
                                                                                                            With seal

Station :

Dated the …………………………….

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