मंगलवार, 5 फ़रवरी 2013


Public Relation Inspector (Postal)

* To supervise the work of of Postmen and of other Postal subordinates working outside the 
   offices, such as Letter Box Attendant, Mail Attentant, etc. 
* To make any personal enquiries entrusted to him by the  Postmaster. 
* To perform any out-door postal works assigned by the   Postmaster.
* To carry out surprise checks of articles cleared from letter boxes by the leter box attendents
   on their beats as often as possible with a view to detect if there are any articles with  them
   bearing signs of removal of stamps or affixed with used up or faked postage stamps. 
* To be acquanted himself with-
   (a) The charactor of all officials attached to town offices, and of the Postmen and Letter Box
         Attendants attached to the head office. 
   (b) The beats of each postman and letter bax attendants and
   (c) The estimation in which each postman is held by the public  he srevs.
* To take every opportunity to acquire aa thorough knowledge of conduct and antecedents of
    postman and letter box attendants under him.             (Rule- 306, Postal Manual Vol.-VIII)
* To have a practical knowledge of Post Office Work, as well as a thorough knowledge of the
   rules in the Manuals and the Guide.                           (Rule- 307, Postal Manual Vol.-VIII)
* To instruct the subordinates to their duties,especially when any new class of business is 
   undertaken by the department or when any change in procedure is introduced. 
                                                                                              (Rule- 307, Postal Manual Vol.-VIII)
* To be quilified to take charge, of, and work in, Sub Office, if required.  
                                                                                             (Rule- 307, Postal Manual Vol.-VIII)
*  To keep aand maintain a Rough Memorandum Book in which he should make entries 
    regarding any matters worthy of note which would not ordinarily be placed on official
    record.                                                                            (Rule- 308, Postal Manual Vol.-VIII)
*  To maintain a a postal map of his jurisdiction in accordance with the instructions on the
    subject in P&T Manual Vol.II                                   (Rule- 309, Postal Manual Vol.-VIII)
*    To make himself familiar with the delivery beats of all the postmen in the town and to see
      that every postman is aquaianted with the localities in his own beat and is familiar
      with the names and addresses of all permnent resident.  
                                                                                         (Rule- 310, Postal Manual Vol.-VIII)

*  To   

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