शुक्रवार, 11 जनवरी 2013

Assistant Postmaster (Accounts)

(Duty Hours – 10.00 to 18.00 hrs)
1.         To attend the office punctually and put his signature on Attendance Register in the presence of Postmaster.
2.         To be responsible for maintenance of his system and secrecy of his own password.
3.         To have adequate knowledge of computer and software to make best utilization of
provision made in hardware and software.
4.         To be familiar with Meghdoot (Accountant) as well as with the following packages-
                        (i)         Meghdoot Millennium (Accounts-General);
                        (ii)        Meghdoot Millennium (Accounts-Pay Bills)
                        (iii)       Meghdoot Millennium (Accounts-GPF maintenance)
(iv)             Meghdoot Millennium (Accounts-NPC)
(v)               Meghdoot Millennium (Accounts-Other Bills)
(vi)             Meghdoot Millennium (Accounts-Pension)
(vii)           Meghdoot Millennium (Accounts-Banking-Cash)
(viii)         Meghdoot Millennium (Accounts-Schedules)
5.         He will be In-charge of the Accounts Branch of Bhagalpur HO as a whole and will exercise the proper and effective supervision over the work of Accountant and Accounts PAs.
6.         He will perform the following mandatory duties through his computer—
                        (i)         To switch on computer;
                        (ii)        To login as Supervisor;
                        (iii)       To select his User Name;
                        (iv)       To give his password, then click on OK option;
                        (v)        To check the date and time. If it is correct, click on OK option;
                        (vi)       To begin the shift.
(vii)      To allocate for authorization of work to the operators for the day.
(viii)     To check the printed report and sign it (after completion of work);
(ix)       To end the shift.
(x)        To take Backup data.
7.         To get prepared various schedules and tally electronically day to day with other modules of Bhagalpur HO.
8.         To monitor Bank Drawal /Remittances electronically.
9.         To generate electronic transfer of data of rolls prepared to treasury and other modules for payment.
10.       To obtain data of paid rolls and to match payments through memorandum.
11.       To reconcile remittance /drawal items of transaction of HO/SOs.
12.       To maintain Calendar of Returns of his branch and be responsible for timely submission of Returns/Statements/Schedules with completed in all respect.
13.       He will maintain Cash Book and ensure to submit the copy of the same on due date.
14.       He will be responsible for prompt disposal of correspondence and upkeep of records of Account Branch and also for payment of salaries and allowances on due date.
15.       He will be responsible for settlement of Audit Objections raised by Internal Audit as well as by the Audit party/Pay and Account Office.
16.       He will sign the service Books and correspondences of routine nature of his branch.
17.       He will check the Establishment Pay Bills, A. Rolls, Memo of disbursement of Pay and allowance w.r.t. relevant records/documents before releasing them.
18.       He will personally keep watch over adjustment of outstanding advance of pay, LTC, TA, Festival advance, Cycle Advance, HBA, Motorcycle Advance, GPF advance, Car advance etc. and Loans from Co-operative Society etc.
 19.       To check the following Registers electronically—
            (i)         Registers- Allowances
            (ii)        Registers-Advance/Loans
            (iii)       Registers-Other than Advance/Loans
            (iv)       Registers- Out of Account Recovery
            (v)        Registers- Officiating Pay
20.       He will be responsible for maintenance of the following registers-
ü  Retrenchment register
ü  UD Memorandum Register
ü  GDS GIS Premium Register
ü  PLI premium Register
ü   Advance Register
ü  Contingent Expenditure Register
ü  Union Subscription
21.       He will see the pension cases of retiring /retired officials and deal with promptly.
22.       He will maintain ruling files of Account Branch.
23.       He will receive the Dak of his branch and get them disposed of them by the concerned officials.
24.       To do all other duties of APM (Accounts) as prescribed in Postal Manuals and/ or as and when directed by the Postmaster/Superintendent of Post Offices, Bhagalpur Dn.

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