शुक्रवार, 11 जनवरी 2013

Assistant Postmaster(Point of Sale)

(DUTY HOURS- 10.00 to 18.00 HRS)
1.         To attend the office punctually and put his signature on Attendance Register in the presence of Postmaster. He will supervise the work of all MPCM Counters and Meghdoot (MO Compilation) branch and iMO/eMO payments.
2.         To be responsible for maintenance of his system and secrecy of his own password.
3.         To have adequate knowledge of computer and software to make best utilization of
provision made in hardware and software.
4.         To be familiar with Meghdoot Point of Sale/Meghdoot (MO Compilation) software.
5.         To perform the following duties of Meghdoot (MO compilation) Supervisors as detailed below-
(i)         To add new user, if required.
(ii)        To modify User Details, if required.
(iii)       To begin the day for work to commence.
(iv)       To compare MO Issue and MO Paid figures of SOs arrived through MO Compilation
            with the figures in SO Summary in Meghdoot (Sub Account).
(v)        To make MO Paid Adjustment as and when required as per user manual.
(vi)       To change the Audit or Audit Month, if required.
(vii)      To fetch MO figures from other branches.
(ix)       To change Password at frequent intervals for better security.
6.         To generate fortnightly MO Issue Return by using MO Compilation module.
7.         To generate Date-wise Report Compilation.
8.         To generate Fortnightly MO Paid Returns.
9.         To generate Office-wise Compilation Returns.
10.       To generate Audit-wise Compilation Returns.
11.       He will perform the following mandatory duties of Meghdoot Point of Sale Supervisor-
            (i)         To switch on computer.
            (ii)        To login as Meghdoot Point of Sale Supervisor.
(iii)       To select his User Name.
(iv)       To give his Password, then click on OK option.
            (v)        To check the date and time. If it is correct, click on OK option.
            (vi)       To begin the Shift.
(iii)             To authorize operators for work in ‘work Allocation’ option.
(iv)             To check the printed report and sign it after completion of work.
(v)               To end the Shift.
(vi)             To tack Backup Data (Use any method of Backup)
12.       He will also perform the following Occasional duties of Meghdoot Point of Sale Supervisor-
(i)         To make forcible shift End, if previous day Shift End is not done due to any reason.
(ii)        To delete inactive counter, if user change his computer /node.
(iii)       To change password at frequent intervals.
(iv)       To delete Inactive Counter, if user changes his computer/node.
(v)        To query items if required.
(vi)       To restore Backup data, if required.
(vii)      To create New Operator, if required.
(viii)     To view Users (i.e. Operators) for checking existing users.
(ix)       To modify User (active/enactive) for any administrative reason.
(vii)           To change Office Name and Business Hours for any administrative reason.
(viii)         To disable/enable Additional Services for any administrative reason
(xii)      To give counter-wise Receipt Number, if required.
(xiii)     To add special Journal User, if required.
(xiv)     To add Bank Details for any administrative reason.
(xv)      To revise Tariff, if required.
(xvi)     To change limit, if required.
(xvi)     To add country, if required.
(xvii)    To modify distance of speed Post centre. if required
(xviii)   To modify Foreign Speed Post Centre if required
(xix)     To modify Distance of Express Parcel Post if required  
             (xx)     To add PIN code if required.
            (xxi)     To add/remove APPU country. if required
            (xxii)    To modify UCR purposes.
            (xxiii)   To add/modify/delete/view PLI Details.
            (xxiv)   To add new services, if required.
            (xxv)    To add Holidays/Sunday, if required.
            (xxvi)   To check version, if required.
13.       To verify transactions and include them in HO Summary.
14.       To maintain IPOs stock using the application of Point of Sale package.
15.       To maintain records of PLI Policy details, once data is created for easing the work of
 Operator during subsequent transactions.
16.       To monitor users activities of Counter by using application available in the package.
17.       To take User Report after Shift End is performed.
18.       To configure Tariff/weight/limit etc. when changes are made.
19.       He will monitor over work and performance of PA (MO Compilation) through Meghdoot (MO Compilation) Module and to ensure submission of returns timely.
20.       He will be joint custodian of IPOs with Counter PAs and maintain Stock Register of IPOs for both HO and SOs separately. He will make its proper supply to SOs under his account jurisdiction.
21.       He will sign the Passbook in respect of deposit of PLI premium and Daily List of PLI premium deposited and also sign the Pass book in Philately.
22.       To take a print out of consolidated summary of transaction daily.
23.       He will be responsible for punctual submission of returns all due returns and statements relating to his branch.
24.       He will check Stock Register of IPOs of HO and SOs daily.
25.       He will maintain the General and Special Statistics Register relating to his branch.
26.       He will perform the duties of the Postmaster in connection with sale and supply accounting of blank MO forms.
27.       He will receive the Dak of his branch and dispose of them punctually.
28.       He will remain in-charge of Mails, Registration, Speed post, Parcel branches during the authorized absence of APM (Mails).
29.       He will be custodian of unsold IPOs, blank MO forms, ACG-67 Receipts Book.
30.       He will be responsible for maintenance and sale of application forms in r/o BSSC and other recruitment forms as directed time to time from the department.
31.       he will be custodian of Speed Post passport forms and also responsible for get it checked and submitted to Passport Office properly and maintenance of relevant records.
32.       To do all other duties of APM/DPM as and when directed by Postmaster/SPOs. 

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