मंगलवार, 8 जनवरी 2013

Postmaster (HSG-I,IPO Line)

Duties and Responsibilities of Postmaster

(Duty Hours- 08.00 to 12.00 hrs and 16.00 to 19.00 hrs.) 

1. To be in-charge of Bhagalpur HO.

2. To maintain punctuality in office and see that the office alongwith all infrastructures are
    neat and clean.

3. To obtaiin signature of all Group-C officials on Attendance Register with the help of 

4. On coming to the office, he will get the following mandatory work/duties/checks done by the
    System Administrator in his presence-
    (i) To see the UPS is switched on and working properly.
    (ii) To switch on UPS Output MCB(after UPS on).
    (iii) To switch on UPS on the Output Power Sockets of SERVER.
    (iv) To swich on the SERVER and Hub(Switch) 
    (v) To give the SERVER " ADMINSTRATOR" password.

5. While leaving the office, he will get the following mandatory works/duties/checks done by 
    the System Administrator- 
    (i) To see that Nodes should be properly SHUT DOWN (by users).
    (ii) To see that Output Power Shockets of Nodes are switched off (by users)
    (iii) To shut down the SERVER.
    (iv) To switch off the Output Sockets of SERVER and HUBs.
    (v) To switch off Output MCB Off (before UPS off standby).
    (vi) To see that UPS is ON standby mode(Charging mode)   
    (vii) Never down the UPS Input MCB except for repairing work.
6. He will form the following occasional duties of " Point of Sale Administrator" -
    (i) To cancel transaction after proper verification of Error Book by Supervisor under entry in 
         Error Book.
    (ii) To change Admin Password, if required under entry in prescribed register.
    (iii) To delete data, if required under entry in register.
    (iv) To view/print Supervisor Log Information, if required under entry in prescribed register.
    (v) To view Supervisor option, if required.
    (vi) To add New Supervisor, if required.
    (vii) To modify (inactive/active) Supr and Operator for any administrative reason.
    (viii) To modify "USER" (designation) Super and Operator for any administrative reason.
    (ix) To modify User Password Supr and Operator, if required under entry in Error Book.
7. To maintain the following registers personally and be responsible for their personal custody
    with the help of System Administrator-
    (i) Stock Register of Equipments.
    (ii) History Sheet of equipments
    (iii) History Sheet of UPS
    (iv) Pasword Protection Register
    (v) Backup Sheet
8. To be responsible for maintenance and secrecy of his own password.
9. To exercise general supervision over all branches including SBCO/All stsff.
10. To be joint custodian of cash, stamps and valuables kept in treasury with the Heead 
      Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers and keep one set of keys in his personal custody. 
                                                                                   (Rule-23 of Postal Manual Vol.VI)
11. He will be custodian of Register ACG-53(.............)      (Rule-8 of P&T FHB Vol.II)
12. He will be custodian of Savings Certificates of Denomination of Rs. 50,000/- which will be
     issued/discharged under his own signature.
13. He will be also custodian of Duplicate Certificates.
14. He will perform all duties of Postmaster in Treasury and Account branches except those
     delgated to APM (Account) and APM (Sub Account)                 (FHB Vol.II)
15. He will be responsible to maintain and keep in safe custody of DATA ENTRY REGISTER as
      prescribed by the Department.
16. He will be responsible for compliance ofInspection/Visit Remarks received from Postal
     Authority and maintenance of ORDER BOOK.
17. He will also maintenance of the following registers and books -
     (i) Attendance Register of Group-C staff, Casual Leave Sheet and Postmasters' Order Book
         with the help of Postal Assistant (Corr.).
     (ii) Balance Sheet in HO Cash Book and Deposit Account with the help of Head Treasurer.
18. He will be responsible for maintenance of CALENDAR OF RETURNS and for submission of
     all due returns/statements on due date.
19. He will be responsible for maintenance of up-to-date GRADATION LIST in r/o Head 
     Postmen/Cash Overseers/Sorting Postmen/Postmen/Multi-tasking Staff.
20. He will be responsible for maintenance of CR files and Memo of Service Verification in r/o  
      Head Postmen/Cash Overseers/Sorting Postmen/Postmen/Multi-tasking Staff.
21. He will be custodian of Cheque Books and will issue cheques as and when required by the
      Deputy Postmaster and Assistant Postmasters.
22. He will check the DIRIES submitted by Public Relation Inspector (Post Offices)/ Cash
23. He will carry out the prescribed checks and tests in r/o mails/sorting/delivery.
24. He will maintain NOMINAL ROLL of Group-C staff personally and keep it uptodate as
      prescribed in Postal Manuals.
25. He will the following books and registers once in a month and ensure prompt settlement-
     (i) ERROR BOOKS 
     (iv) OBJECTION REGISTER of SB branch
 26. He will be responsible for proper financing of Sub Post Offices under his account
       jurisdiction and supply of Postage stamps and stationeries.
27. He will be personally responsible for maintenance of Register of Bank Draft/Cheques/
      Treasury Passbook/ HO Summary/ Cash Book.
28.  He will be personally responsible for maintenance of Registers/files of Deceased Claims 
       cases of SB/SCs.                                                                             (SB Manual Vol.I&II)
29 To do all other duties of a Postmaster (HSG-I) as prescribed in Postal Manuals and/or as and
     when directed by the Divisional Superintendent.  

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