शुक्रवार, 11 जनवरी 2013

PA( Sub Account)

(Duty Hours – 07.00 to 11.00 hrs and 15.00 to 18.00 hrs)

1.         To attend the office punctually and put his signature on Attendance Register in the presence of Postmaster.
2          He will perform all the duties of PA (Sub Account and SO Summary).
                                                                                    (Ch.10 of Postal Manual Vol.VI Part-II)
3.         To be responsible for maintenance of his system and secrecy of his own password.
4.         To change his password at frequent intervals.
5.         To have adequate knowledge of computer and software to make best utilization of
provision made in hardware and software.
6.         To be familiar with Meghdoot (Sub Accountant) as well as with the following packages-
(i)         Meghdoot (Point of sale) Module
(ii)        Meghdoot (Postman) Module
(iii)       Treasury Module
            (iv)       Sanchay Post Module
7.         To operate Meghdoot (Sub Account and Treasury) module.
8.         To send Cash to SO through Treasury module.
9.         To take Cash Bag weight.
10.       To enter the details of weight and click OK.
11.       To receive all the Account Bags from PA (Mails).
12.       To open/close all Account bag in the presence of Head treasurer.
13.       To sort all vouchers, Lists, journals and other documents/articles and tally them with entry in daily Account and transfer closed L/C bags to Treasurer under proper receipts.
14.       To transfer the bundles of vouchers, LTs, Lists, journals and documents/articles to concerned branches under proper receipts.
15.       He will receive closed LC bags, cheques, BDs, stamps bundles from Treasurer and other articles/Lists/documents from the concerned branches and make entries in SO slips.
16.       To enter the details of errors and irregularities noticed while entering the data from SO Daily Account after proper verification by APM (Sub Account).
17.       To be confirmed the correctness of entries before taking print out of SO Slips.
18.       To take print out of SO Slips.
19.       To do all other duties of PA as and when directed by the Postmaster/Superintendent of Post Offices.

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