शुक्रवार, 11 जनवरी 2013

PA (Money Orders)

(Duty Hours – 10.00 to 18.00 hrs)

1.      Attend the office punctually and sign on Attendance Register in the presence of Postmaster.
2.   To be responsible for maintenance of his system and secrecy of his own password.
3.   To have adequate knowledge of computer and software to make best utilization of provision made in hardware and software.
4.   To be familiar with Postman Module, MO Compilation and eMO online Packages of the Department.
1.                  To add data entry in MO Issue-SO option.
2.                  To modify the ‘Details of Entry’, if required.
3.                  To delete an incorrect entry.
4.                  To add entry in MO Paid HO option.
5.                  To modify the details of MO Paid HO.
6.                  To make entry in the Daily MO Paid figures of SOs for all the Audit Offices.
7.                  To fetch MO Issue Data from Point of sale Counter.
8.                  To fetch HO MO Paid Data from the Postman Database.
9.                  To receive all the MO Paid Lists with the vouchers and MO Paid Returns of SOs and check them before feeding in computer.
10.              To segregate the MO Paid Vouchers from the paid lists Audit-wise and Issue-wise daily.
11.              To complete the data feeding of MO compilation daily.
12.              To submit MO returns to DA (P) Patna in time.
13.              To check MO Issue Lists with reference to MOs received from SOs and feed the data in computer.
14.              To submit all due returns/Statements of his/her branch in due time
15.              To do all other duties and responsibilities of PA as directed by APM (MO)/ Postmaster.

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