शुक्रवार, 11 जनवरी 2013

Assistant Postmaster (Mails)

Duties and Responsibilities of Assistant Postmaster(Mails)
(Duty Hours- 07.00 to 12.00 and 16.00 to 18.00 Hrs)

  1. To attend the office punctually and put his signature on Attendance Register.
  2. He will be In- charge of Mail Branch and exercise effective supervision over the following officials-
v  Postal Assistant (Mails),
v  PA(Registration Sorting and Delivery),
v  PA( Speed Post Sorting and Delivery),
v  PA (Parcel and MO Paid),
v  PA(Speed Net),
v  PA(Postman Module),
v  All Postmen and Group-D officials.
  1. To have adequate knowledge of Computer and Software to make best utilization of provisions made in hardware and software as well as ruling laid down in Postal manuals.
  2. He will perform all the duties of Postmaster delegated to him and as prescribed in Postal Manuals in r/o mail branch.
  3. To be responsible for maintenance of computers of his branch and secrecy of his own password.
  4. To maintain Due Mail and Sorting List/Beat List/ Beat Map of Bhagalpur HO
  5. To check Postman Book of Delivery Postmen daily and take necessary action for improving of delivery work.
  6. To ensure that the latest version of the software is being used – viz. Window based system of Meghdoot Millennium (Postman Module).
  7. He will get taken print out of all Incoming eMO twice daily (At 08.30 and 16.00 hrs) and dispose of them properly (e.g. by giving to Postmen beat-wise for delivery same day and despatch to SOs concerned through Mail Bags).
  8. To work as Meghdoot (Postman Module) Supervisor and perform the following mandatory duties-
(i)         To switch on computer
(ii)        To do login as Meghdoot (Postman Module) Supervisor 
(iii)             To select his User Name
(iv)             To give his password, then click on OK option
(v)               To check the date and time, if it is correct click on OK option.
(vi)             To begin the shift.
(vii)           To authorize operators for work in Work Allocation option.
(viii)         To check the printed report and sign it after completion of work
(ix)             To end the shift
(x)               To take backup Data
  1. To be responsible for maintenance timely opening of bags/sorting of articles/ Delivery of articles and despatch of mails.
  2. To be responsible for maintenance of POSTAGE DUE REGISTER of taxed stamping of letters for delivery through Postmen and window delivery.
  3. To be responsible for same day payment of MOs/eMOs received for payment at Bhagalpur HO.
  4. To remain present at the time of opening/closing of mails/Registered bags/Parcel bags.
  5. To be responsible for handing over of all Insured articles to the Treasurer at the close of the day work for safe custody overnight.
  6. To be joint custodian of Insured and VP articles with the Postal Assistant concerned.
  7. To be responsible for safe custody of all the Insured articles in deposit overnight.
  8. To keep round MO stamp/oblong stamp.
(Rule-210 of Postal Manual Vol.VI Part-I)
  1. To be responsible for proper maintenance of Bag account/Deposit Account/Postage due
Account/Error Book etc.
(Para N0.5 of Rule-110 of Postal Manual Vol.VI Part-I)
  1. To check Registered Abstract/Speed Post Abstract/Register of VP articles received for delivery/MO Paid Register/Register of Misdirected /Missent MO, Speed Post, Regd. Letters.
  2. To see that
v  Sorting of Inward/outward mails are being done properly.
v  Labeled bundles /Regd. Bundles are being prepared properly.
v  Accountable articles/bags/documents/vouches of MOs etc. from one PA to another PAs are being transferred under proper receipts.
  1. To be responsible for
v  Prompt disposal of complaint cases.
v  Proper maintenance of CPT Register
v  Prompt disposal of correspondence cases
v  Timely submission of RETURNS AND STATEMENTS of his branch.
  1. To perform the all duties of Postmaster as prescribed in Postal manuals in r/o Mails/ Sorting/Deposit/Delivery.
(Ch.2 to 6 and 8 of Postal Manual Vol.VI)
  1. To examine the VPL and VPP forms on every Saturday and issue VP calls in respect of unadjusted VPL.
  2. To see that the office records and blank forms are kept well arranged and the Stock Register of Forms is kept arranged and old records disposed off are maintained properly.
  3. He will watch over the articles addressed to “Post Restante”
  4. He will personally see the maintenance of General and Special Statistical Register of Mails, Parcel, VPL, VPP and Registration/Speed post branch.   .
  5. He will maintain the Stock Register of Registration Journal, Parcel Journal, VP journal, Insured Journal and supply them to HO/SOs as and when required.
(Rrule-275 of Postal Manual Vol. II)
  1. To maintain Casual Leave Sheet of Postman and Group-D officials and put leave case for sanction before the Postmaster.
  2. To maintain Unit Bag Account.
  3. To receive Dak of his branch and dispose of them punctually.
  4. To do all other duties of an Assistant Postmaster as directed by the Postmaster/ Superintendent of Post offices.

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