शुक्रवार, 11 जनवरी 2013

Head Treasurer

Duties and Responsibilities of Head Treasurer
(Duty Hours – 08:00 to 11:30 and 15.30 to 19:00)

1.         To attend the office punctually and put his signature on Attendance Register in the
      presence of Postmaster.
2.         To be responsible for maintenance and secrecy of his own password.
3.          To have adequate knowledge of computer and software to make best utilization of
       provision made in hardware and software.
4.          He will remain in-charge of Cash and Valuables in Treasury.
                                                      (Rule- 30 of Ch. IV of P&T Financial Hand Book Vol. II)  
1.                  To operate Treasury Software as per User Manual prescribed by the Department.
2.                  To process receipts and payments under various heads from counters, other treasurers, other offices, SOs and Postmen electronically.
3.                  To exchange cash/stamps for small or for other denominations of cash.
4.                  To generate Treasures Cash Book and HO Summary at the end of the day.
5.                  To collect surplus cash accumulated with PAs (Counters) at regular intervals.
6.                  To disburse cash to Postmen for payment of Money Orders and to accept cash returned by Postmen in respect of money orders brought back without being paid.
7.                  To disburse cash to Counter PAs for payment of Money Orders at the widow and for SB withdrawals/encashment of certificates etc.
8.                  To open all Leather Cash bags received duly sealed.
9.                  To close cash bags containing remittances for subordinate offices and hand over to PA (Sub Account).
10.              To draw cash from and to remit to Bank.
11.              To be joint custodian with the Postmaster, Bhagalpur HO in respect of cash, stamps, stationary and valuables.
12.              To be jointly responsible for safe custody of Govt. cash and valuables with the Postmaster in treasury overnight under double lock system.
13.              To make remittance in leather cash bags and through Special Carrier with polish escort to Town SOs in accordance with rules.
(Ch. X of Postal Manual Vol.VI Part-III)
14.              He will make all SOs of bills payment.
15.              He will make over fixed amount to Assistant Treasurer (Bills Paid/Stamps) as fixed by the Postmaster for payment during his authorized absence.
16.              He will be responsible for maintenance and preservation of the various records of his branch as enjoined in the rules.
17.              He will make transaction with local treasury and State Bank of India, Main Branch Bhagalpur (Code No.037) as enjoined in the rules as far as remittance and drawings are concerned. With the help of Head Postman.
(Ch. VI of P&T Financial Hand Book Vol. I)
18.              He will maintain Treasurer’s Cash Book and Head Office Summary.
19.              He will receive cash from all Counter PAs/Assistant Treasurers for other transaction and MO payment.
20.              He will maintain Treasurer’s Pass Book.
21.              He will perform all the duties entrusted to him by the Postmaster/Superintendent.
(Rules 30,31,39,47 of P&T Financial Hand Book Vol. II)

1 टिप्पणी:

बेनामी ने कहा…

पोस्टमैन से PA बना, तो कितने साल की PA की नौकरी होनी चाहिए treasurer बनने के लिए हो मे?